June 23, 2012

Filler #1

Been a while since I blogged! Here's what I call a "filler post", where I just put in random pictures of things that have entertained me this past week - humorous, inspiring, artsy, etc. I know Audrey Kitching does "weekly inspirations" on her blog sooo yeah, something of that sort! Enjoy! :D

HAHA I love when 9gag posts baby-related jokes ><

Asdfghjkl geometric shapes - blue and purple hues - nebula. This is the epitome of "me", hehe.

Gonna paint this one day!!!!!!!!

:') again with the combi of purple and blue.


Planning to recreate these ombre shorts with my already yellow-ed Bershka shorts! <3 Will blog about progress wheeeeee.

Freaking love this shot of this unknown beautiful model. That color haaaair o_o
Gonna dye my hair this color sometime in the next two years methinks, but I'm kind of cagey with the whole bleaching my entire head of hair thing :( 

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