Hence, I'll be outlining the events of that day for the people that asked for some ideas for their own parties. Good luck with your party-planning guys - trust me it's very stressful!
1.30 - 3 PM
We start out with hair and makeup... This is me with my hair clipped up in parts so that the curls can be long-lasting. My stylist then added three sets of clip-on hair extensions for more length and volume. Hehe excuse my no-makeup bare face! ><
3 - 5 PM
My photographer for the day, Rus Mulyadi, lives close to where I live, so he decided to give us extra service by taking pre-party shots at my house. He had to wait about fifteen mins for me to get changed though so he just lurked around corners, looking and testing out the lighting. I have to say he's very professional, friendly, and has great taste when it comes to the art of photography. The camera angles, tones of pictures, poses, etc., you can see he thinks very thoroughly! I definitely refer him to you guys :)

6 - 10 PM
Party time! I'm honestly too lazy to talk about the party in full so I'll just summarize all the highlights! Your fault for not coming! (Unless... I didn't invite you, in which case, I apologize hehe).
Weetttssss. I look like I'm pregnant here but s'all good.
Dummy cake by CherryBlossom. Go check them out they have super great looking cakes, very yummy too!!!
Dress by Mel Ahyar. It's lace in the front and backless with a long, layered, tulle bottom! Btw I look super fat in that first picture har har har.
My freaking favorite part of the entire decor! The gazebo-like thing that was propped on the bridge connecting the inside restaurant to the outer beachside area. Those are beautiful pastel roses and other flowers draped all around the metal bars and it just reminded me so much of elegant Elizabethan times and oh goodness gracious it's just so pretty :')
Detail of the gazebo. Oh and btw my dress designer referred me to one of her best friends, Deasy, the woman that did all the decor. If you guys have been to Magnum Cafe in Grand Indonesia, awesome interior right? Yep, it was all her! :D
Ask me personally if you guys are interested to hire her, I'll give you her contact number hehe.
Now on the contrary, this was my LEAST favorite part of the decor :S I really disliked the middle font right there. It kinda looked very cheap to me cos I think it's just cut-out styrofoam?! Sucky thing was that this was kind of the centerpiece of the entire party so the stupid font made a cameo in pretty much every picture haha! Everything else was flawless though.
Wishing Tree! Haven't actually read through these cards yet hehe.
Photobooth area from MomentsToGo - unlimited printing of pictures!

There were 17 doves(?) in bird cages for all the "candles" and myself! These birds were eventually let to fly free whilst the rest of the guests had helium balloons. Some of these birds were injured though I think... so poor things just soared in the sky for a miniscule second before they SPLAT onto the ground. *holding back laughter*
My candles walking down the aisle with total swag and Danza Kuduro playing in the background.
"Tropical" belly dancers dancing to arabian music -_- no comment!
Jazz/Pop band. Haha they were alright.
I also asked some of my friends to perform! These boys chose to dance (how cool is this shot btw?) and Pepita&Carol was supposed to sing but couldn't at the end :( boohoo.
RAFFLE! Julian won the Blackberry!!! Then either Will or Don got the Polaroid camera and the iPod shuffle hehe.
There were also some games that mostly revolved around dance, catwalks, and couple-oriented ones. Haha aaaand I'm far too lazy to add pictures for those :p
At about 10 - 12 AM, the remaining guests just stayed for the afterparty and DANCED LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. The DJ started playing more upbeat music and aaaahhh it was just a great time. Haha to be honest with you this was my most favorite time from the party cos I could just completely let loose and truly celebrate my 17th :D
And that concludes this uber looooong post! Hope you liked all the pwettie pikchas and for those who are planning their own sweet 17, don't hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions :) I know planning can be such a hassle so I'll help if you need it hehe.
Lotsa loooveee, T
cantik banget sih youuuuuuu!!!!
ReplyDeleteLO GILA???
ReplyDeleteu tuh gak pernah aib ya?! (kecuali the sexy quadruple chin photo :*)
ReplyDeleteIhik ihik ga ah, klo ga dandan jelek kok! Liat aja tuh foto prtama :| lu yg ga prnah aib sumpah mw merah2 abis minum BJ pun msih cantik HAHAH